RAC Recruitment 2014 – Apply Online for 105 Scientist Posts: Ministry of Defence, Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Recruitment & Assessment Centre (RAC) has issued a notification for the recruitment of 105 Scientist vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply online from 31-05-2014 to 20-06-2014 by 9:30 Hrs. For more details like age limit, qualification, selection process, application fee, how to apply are given below…

RAC Vacancy Details:

Total No.of Posts: 105

Name of the Posts:

1. Scientist ‘F’: 13 Posts

2. Scientist ‘E’: 18 Posts

3. Scientist ‘D’: 18 Posts

4. Scientist ‘C’: 32 Posts

5. Scientist ‘B’: 24 Posts

Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be 28 years for Scientist ‘B’ Post, 35 years for Scientist ‘C’ Post, 45 years for Scientist ‘D’ & ‘E’ Posts, 50 years for Scientist ‘F’ Post as on closing date of application. Age relaxation will be 5 years for SC/ ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates & for others will be applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess at least First class Bachelor’s Degree in Engg or Technology in relevant field from a recognized University.

Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.

Application Fee: Candidates should pay Rs.50/- through online by using Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net banking/ Cash Card or through Crossed IPO drawn in favour of Director RAC payable at Delhi to Director, Recruitment and Assessment Centre, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054. SC/ ST/ PH/ Woman candidates are exempted from fee.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website http://rac.gov.in/ from 31-05-2014 to 20-06-2014 by 9:30 Hrs.

Instructions to Apply Online:

1. Before applying online candidates have to scan the copies of all relevant documents & photograph in the given format.

2. Log on through the website http://rac.gov.in/.

3. Select the appropriate position —> Click on the “Apply Here”.

4. Fill all the details carefully.

5. After filling all the details click on the “Preview” button, the “Preview” Page will be displayed.

6. Now click on the submit button, an Acknolwedgement Slip with unique Login-ID will be given.

7. Edit the submitted application form, pay the application fee (if applicable).

8. Candidates can also pay the fee through offline and send the crossed IPO to the concerned address.

9. After successful submission of application, candidate may receive an email id and an sms.

10. Take the printout copy of the application for future use.

Important Dates.

Starting Date to Apply Online: 31-05-2014.

Last Date to Apply Online: 20-06-2014 by 9:30 Hrs.

For more details like pay scale, qualification & other information click on the link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt

Click here to Apply Online
